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Other Websites and Resources

This page serves as a small directory to some of the highest quality blackjack sites on the internet and other resources related to the topics shown on our own site. While we do try to perfect our own site and offer as much information that we can about the subject of blackjack, you still may not find what you are searching for. Although you may find it at some of the sites listed below.

We also included categories for non-blackjack related websites. These were set up for visitors who would like to visit other quality gambling related sites without searching through spam and pages full of advertising. The featured links below the category listings are to some of the best and most well known sites on the internet. These will include both blackjack and non-blackjack themed pages.

Other Blackjack Sites

  • Blackjack Info - is the most popular blackjack site on the internet. This site is also owned by Ken Smith, one of the best blackjack players in the world. As a matter of fact, Ken participated in the World Series of Blackjack on live television multiple times. His website features just about everything you can think of blackjack related including a basic strategy trainer, expert tips and strategy advice for blackjack a blog and forum. I highly recommend dropping by his site and meeting him live on his very own Blackjack and Card Counting Forum. This is a great place to ask questions and chat with a true expert of the game.

  • Pagat's Blackjack Page - Teaches the basics of blackjack and how to play the game. This page also has one of the largest compiled collections of blackjack-specific resources and websites on the internet. It is also part of, which is run by John McLeod and is dedicated to teaching hundreds, if not thousands of different card games.

  • Blackjack Insider - If you are interested in subscribing to a blackjack newsletter, check out Blackjack Insider. They allow visitors to sign up for free for a monthly email newsletter and the site contains useful articles about blackjack and professional gamblers.

  • Stanford Wong's BJ 21 - We told you about this site when we wrote about Stanford Wong. Not only is run and developed by one of the greatest blackjack players in the world but it has a ton of useful information including many articles about advantage play, card counting and laws. They also have a message board forum where you can discuss blackjack topics.

  • Hit or Stand - This is a popular blackjack website with free Flash blackjack trainers and games. Players can learn and practice blackjack strategy here, play along with some practice games and even compete against other people's scores. They also have some good tips and warnings on what not to do in blackjack and they even have a message board.

  • Wizard of Odds Blackjack Page - If you are really into the mathematics of blackjack and gambling, check out the Wizard of Odds. This site has a basic outline of blackjack and card counting but they are mostly known for providing a ton of mathematics, odds informations, percentages, statistics and theory.

  • - Blackjack Guide - A rich, general guide of many various topics and articles related to the game of blackjack.

  • Wikipedia Blackjack Page - Everyone knows what Wikipedia is. You can find a basic outline of what blackjack is here and explore lots of other related things inside the encyclopedia!

Blackjack Directories

If you were not impressed by the links above or you could not find what you were looking for, then check out some of the blackjack sites listed below in these popular directories. This is where you can find tons of other great sites related to blackjack on the web.

  • DMOZ Blackjack Directory - DMOZ or the Open Directory Project has been getting better in quality lately with blackjack sites, so you may find some useful and informative blackjack sites here.

  • BOTW Blackjack Directory - Best of the Web (BOTW) has a ton of high quality blackjack resources not found in other directories.

  • Joe Ant Blackjack Directory - This directory is another human edited directory with a small list of blackjack sites. It is one of the better directories out there that stay clean and updated.

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